Motivational Blog

"You are your own most powerful motivator and critic. Which will you be?" -Coach Britttany-
A Success Formula That Works

A Success Formula That Works

Today I want to share one of my success formula's with you. I find that most people understand concepts better when they are broken down into smaller pieces. I know that my brain works best that way. In order to be successful, you have to have a plan as to how you are...

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Brain Game #10 – Practice Gratitude

Brain Game #10 – Practice Gratitude

I am writing this today to talk a little about gratitude and how it is something we often push to the side and take for granted. It seems simple but is a real game changer. Once I started reminding myself daily what I am thankful for, I was able to think more clearly...

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Dreams Do Come True

Dreams Do Come True

I am so excited to share this story with you because it's a perfect example of hard work paying off. The beautiful young lady in the picture above has made it onto Team Canada this year for Dance. She is stoked! I have had the honour of working with her for the last...

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My Perfect Day

My Perfect Day

We all know that some days are tough and some days feel like the best ever. Today was one of those amazing days for me and I would like to take the time to share it with you. It was full of fitness, work, fun and self care.  I was both mentally and physically...

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Coach Sahil Is Back!

Special Guest Tumbling Coach!

Coach Sahil is offering private lessons in hamilton on February 22nd. Limited space available!

Click this link to book: