Motivational Blog

"You are your own most powerful motivator and critic. Which will you be?" -Coach Britttany-
I Want To But I Just Can’t

I Want To But I Just Can’t

Do you ever say this? Feel this way? I can’t tell you how many times I hear this on a regular basis while working with competitive athletes. Sometimes even at home or with friends and family I hear people saying this. If you truly think about the meaning of this...

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A Positive Moment To Cherish

A Positive Moment To Cherish

Today I want to share a positive moment that happened while I was coaching. One of my developmental athletes did her routine on the floor exercise for the first time. We had been practicing it in pieces to help perfect the smaller parts of the routine. She was finally...

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Coach Sahil Is Back!

Special Guest Tumbling Coach!

Coach Sahil is offering private lessons in hamilton on February 22nd. Limited space available!

Click this link to book: