I came across this video while browsing the web and I just had to share it. It is such a great example of how to train your mind to think positive and remember how great you are when things don’t go the way you originally intended. This little girl is learning at an early age how to be confident and strong.
There is no better way to start your day than waking up with fresh and positive thoughts. I encourage you to try it. The “I Am” Brain Game works something like this and can help you build confidence and self-esteem by reciting positive characteristics about yourself daily. Feel free to check it out on the Brain Games Page.
What would your day be like if you tried this every morning? Would you be in a better mood? Would you be more kind or humble? Would you be able to handle tough situations more calmly and positively? These are all important questions to ask yourself but the only way to answer them accurately is to try it for yourself.
Start your holiday right with some uplifting and powerful words about yourself.
Happy Holidays
“You are your own most powerful motivator and critic. Which will you be?”
-Coach Brittany-

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