My Full Time Athlete

Motivating Athletes To Reach Their Highest Potential

Welcome to My Full Time Athlete

A positive environment and a learning tool for athletes and coaches.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help athletes find the positives in themselves so they can use them to become self-empowered and self-motivated to reach their highest potential in sport and fitness. 

What We Believe
“The stongest type of empowerment comes from within you.  Only YOU can make the choice to be better than you were yesterday”
-Brittany Berezowski-

We believe in using positive but constructive motivation to increase emotional and physical strength and stability.

Private Lessons

We also offer private lessons for gymnasts, cheerleaders and dancers to help increase skill development, improve strength, flexibility and implement fear management techniques. 

We believe in a technique based approach focusing on the bio-mechanics of each skill.  Our goals is to help our athletes understand what their body is doing throughouy any skill and from there teach them how to control the movements throughout the skill. This technique allows for a safer teaching environment and prepares them for higher level skills more effectively. Some of our coaches specialize in fear management to help the athletes implement these techniques while they perform their skills. 

You can also book by emailing us at



Athlete & Coaching Clinics

My Full Time Athlete offers clinics and/or training sessions to help educate your coaches or futher develop your athletes.

Coaching Clinics: My goal is to educate your coaches to provide high quality gymnastics, tumbling and/or sport programs in your community. We focus on a technique based approach specializing in skill development, bio-mechanics, pre-competitive develoment and fear management.

Athlete Clinics: Choose clinic topics targeted specifically to the needs of your athletes. Choose a specific skill/ set of skills or an event to work on to help improve the quality of your team.

Email us at to chat about how we can work together.




My Full Time Athlete provides consulting for business owners and coaches. Our goal is to help provide you with the systems and strategies to help improive the quality of your business. This is also a place for coaches to disect where they are in their career and piecing together specific education to move forward in your goals and aspirations. 

Book your session here: BOOK NOW

Contact for more information.

Motivational Blog

We offer a motivational blog to help athletes build confidence and self-esteem so they can reach their highest potential. You should never have to give up because your fears are bigger than your determination to succeed!

Gymnastics & Tumbling: We offer specific products and a series of brain games to help enhance your training or coaching as an athlete or coach.



You’ve been awesome in grooming her to do her best. I appreciate your hard work.



I just wanted to send you a note to let you know how happy and focussed our daughter has been over the past few months. She’s coming home excited to share her experiences in the gym and looks forward to training everyday. Thank you for your continued hard work and support.


Awesome, thank you. By the way, I saw in one lesson more improvement than I’ve seen in ages. She’s super motivated and I can’t thank you enough!


Stay Up To Date With Our Latest Posts.

“You are your own most powerful motivator and critic. Which will you be?”

– Coach Brittany-

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Coach Sahil Is Back!

Special Guest Tumbling Coach!

Coach Sahil is offering private lessons in hamilton on February 22nd. Limited space available!

Click this link to book: