Brain Games

Personal Empowerment Exercises

What Are They For?

These exercises are designed for you to learn about yourself but also to help you find your strengths. Very often as athletes we get down on ourselves and start to feel as if we are not progressing as fast as we would like to. How can you be the best if you are not training at your best? Does that make sense to you?

I want you to use your strengths to help build your confidence and self-esteem. With a high level of confidence comes an athlete who is not afraid to try new things

CONFIDENCE = Strong and Courageous Athletes


Brain Game #10 – Practice Gratitude

Brain Game #10 – Practice Gratitude

I am writing this today to talk a little about gratitude and how it is something we often push to the side and take for granted. It seems simple but is a real game changer. Once I started reminding myself daily what I am thankful for, I was able to think more clearly...

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Brain Game #7 – The Team Cheer

Brain Game #7 – The Team Cheer

This brain game is so much fun because you get to make up a cheer! I don't think I know an athlete who doesn't like doing cheers. Even the quietest and most shy athletes will have fun with this. I encourage all teams to have one and to show it off on a regular basis....

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Brain Game #6 – Pass It On Motivation

Brain Game #6 – Pass It On Motivation

This brain game is a little different. It is intended for a team or group of people. It can be as little as 3 people or as big as you want. With 3 people, the game may go by too quickly but can still be effective. It will work better with more participants. I would...

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Coach Sahil Is Back!

Special Guest Tumbling Coach!

Coach Sahil is offering private lessons in hamilton on February 22nd. Limited space available!

Click this link to book: